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5 Simple Places To Start Your Spring Cleaning This Year
Spring Cleaning 2024 Spring is the perfect time to give your home a much-needed reset after a chilly winter! It’s the beginning of spring cleaning, which is not only good for your house but also for your mental and physical health. The best way to start spring cleaning and decluttering,

Where to start – 5 tricks to declutter your home
The average American home contains over 300,000 items, so is it any wonder people have a hard time deciding where to start? Some organizers believe in always starting at the same place (for Marie Kondo, it’s off-season shirts), but with my clients I’ve found that there is no one best

What to do with those ‘skinny jeans’
Are you holding on to clothes that don’t fit – and maybe haven’t fit for years – but that you just can’t bear to part with? We tell ourselves that it’s the frugal thing to do. We don’t want to have to buy more clothes if we lose weight or

Why there’s no such thing as ‘free stuff’
Product samples, conference swag, promotional goodies, office freebies – we are constantly being bombarded with free stuff. I don’t know about you, but rarely are these giveaways anything I need, use or want. How many branded pens does one person really need!? But there is something deep inside us that

How to organize like a pro
Are you overwhelmed by the amount of clutter in your home? Do you leave it there because you just don’t know where to start? You’re not alone. To successfully declutter and organize, you need a plan of attack. There are dozens of methods of organizing out there, from Marie

What to do with unwanted gifts
Do you have unwanted gifts stored away in cabinets, closets, bookshelves, under the bed, anywhere you can hide them? Do they make you feel guilty and burdened every time you see them? You deserve to be able to happily look anywhere in your home! And you can, if you follow